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Friday, April 27, 2012

Weights and measures

So... about a week and a half ago I stepped on the scale for the first time in about 9 months and it screamed at me. Ok, it didn't really scream but it sure got my attention and it said 285! I'm 5ft 9in tall and my goal is to get at least down to 170lbs, so I am going on a journey of healthy eating and weight loss.
This is me now. 5ft 9in, 280lbs, 55in hips, 50 in waist
I don't want to be this anymore. So I'm finally going to do something about it. I've been eating better and exercising and already lost a few pounds but I have a long way to go.

A Little About Me

I am 28 years old, a mother of 3 Connor (9) Joshua (4) and Chloe (3) and married to a wonderful man named Bret. Bret and I are the owners of a feedstore/post office/greenhouse in Northern Minnesota so right now is what we call greenhouse season so Bret has been busy planting away and when I am able to I help him as much as I can. I enjoy photography, especially taking pictures of the flowers in our greenhouses
Here's a couple pictures I took today.

I also enjoy crafting, i make tutus and hair bows for Chloe and Tag blankets for friend's babies.

So back to my weight issues. After greenhouse season is over I plan on starting the Couch to 5K program but for now I'm limited to my Wii and hand weights. Lets see what I can lose, watch me shrink!

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